
The biggest threats for exploiting surveillance technology are the people with access to you.

They don’t need to break in at night and get to the phone or network room, so it’s as simple as leaving behind a recording device.

Common Threat Groups

  • Rogue media, competitors, disgruntled employees, and angry people triggered by an event like breaking up with a significant other, being fired from a job, or having a heated argument with a friend.
  • Human resource departments are very vulnerable during performance evaluations and interviews.
  • Maintenance workers and staff/owners of motels and hotels regularly put cameras in room for damage detection and voyeurism.
  • Schools, tanning salons, dressing rooms, doctors’ offices, and anywhere else people change their clothing are all common locations for hidden recording devices.
  • People who regularly open their homes for events or who have house staff/vendors are also particularly vulnerable, especially high-profile individuals.

Are You Being Watched?

If you think your location is being monitored inappropriately, iCubed Investigative Services can help. Contact us today for a consultation.

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